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Bravecto Plus |
Bravecto Plus is a Fluralaner containing systemic treatment with potent immediate and persistent tick and flea killing activity that lasts for 12 weeks after topical application to cats. It also contains Moxidectin and has a broader spectrum of activity against roundworm and hookworm. It also helps to prevent heartworm disease for 8 weeks. |
Bravecto Spot On |
A fast-acting flea and tick protection in an easy-to-administer topical solution for cats. Lasts up to 12 weeks* with just a single dose. It also kills American dog ticks for eight weeks. |
Caninsulin |
Caninsulin, an intermediate-acting insulin is indicated in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus in dogs and cats. |
Dimazon |
As a diuretic drug, Dimazon contains 50 mg/ml of Furosemide (as the Monoethanolamine salt). The product also contains 0.234 mg/ml Miripirium Chloride, 1 mg/ml Disodium Edetate Dihydrate and 1.8 mg/ml Sodium Sulphite Anhydrous as antioxidants. Dimazon is used for the treatment of edema associated with cardiac insufficiency and acute non-inflammatory tissue edema in dogs, cats and horses. |
Nobivac FeLV |
It is an inactivated vaccine against Feline Leukemia, which contains 102 mg/ml of purified p45 FeLV-envelope antigen, obtained by genetic recombination of a strain of E. coli. The antigenic suspension is adjuvanted with 0.1 ml of a 3% Aluminium Hydroxide gel and with 10 mg purified extract of Quillaja Saponaria. |
Nobivac Rabies |
It is an inactivated vaccine for control of rabies in dogs, cats, cattle, sheep, goats, foxes, ferrets and horses.. |
Nobivac Tricat Trio |
Live vaccine for the active immunization of cats to reduce clinical signs caused by an infection with Feline Calicivirus (FCV) and Feline Herpes Virus type 1 (FHV1) and to prevent clinical signs, virus excretion and Leucopenia caused by Feline Panleucopenia Virus (FPLV). |
T-61 |
T-61 is a euthanasia solution to be used only on unconscious animals. Each mL of T-61 contains 200 mg Embutramide (which produces a strong narcotic action and concurrently paralyses the respiratory centre), 50 mg Mebezonium Iodide (which produces a curariform paralytic action on striated skeletal and respiratory muscles and rapidly induces circulatory collapse) and 5 mg Tetracaine Hydrochloride, in aqueous solution. |